Google Nexus 7 is android’s tablet family that is released recently to the techno-market.This new version tablet is under the authority of Google so that the design and the overall hardware-software parts of application are made by Asus.We will try to see the content and the unique features of this tablet…
External hardware of Nexus 7
Nexus 7 is, as the name implies, a 7-inch black tablet.If you compare the weight of this tablet with the other Amazon Kindle fire HDs,you realize that Nexus 7 is lighter with 0.1 pounds less than the rest Amazon HD tablets.The external texture of Nexus 7 is somehow leathery and the size is small that it allows you to use comfortably.The front of Nexus 7 has a number of buttons that is designed in a consecutive approach. On the right top of the tablet,the power lock button and the volume rocker are there closely. Oppositely, on the right bottom corner of the tablet,headphone jack and Micro-USB port in the middle.What I want to show you from this is that if you purchase Nexus 7, the arrangement of each button is not exposed to external damage in case it crashes to a physical body. Similarly,at the back of the tablet,a 2 inch speaker is designed in a genuine sound capability.Unique feature of 1.2MP camera covered in corning like glass position is found as you view the tablet in front in portrait mode.You may realize from this that Asus made one of the best externally integrated tablet in its manufacturing sessions.
The internal specifications of Nexus 7
One GB RAM with 8/16GB on board storage that runs with quad-core processor in Tegra-3 mode. Accelerometer, gyroscope, GPS chip and magnetometerare packed in its internal board. Especially the GPS chip allows you to use Google map application anywhere n the world without the aid of internet access.The software applications are developed by Google that all the Google default applications are installed.This is a common thing in other tablets,but the amazing stuff is that Google designs the applications to suit the portrait mode so that if you really satisfied in using this tablet in this landscape format,this tablet is definitely for you.In addition to this,the Android2.0 operating system features some more applications in this tablet that Nexus 7 completely boosts the early versions of Android family.
Final recommendation
Generally Nexus 7 features in the most comfortable design, screen quality and significant battery life in affordable price and I recommend you to have this tablet and enjoy with it!
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